Associated Benefit Consultants
Since 1978 Associated Benefit Consultants has been a dedicated Professional "No-Fee" Insurance Broker and Consultant who is committed to the principles of service, integrity and professionalism while providing our valued clients the highest quality of service with the goal of exceeding their expectations.
Headquartered in Southern Nevada, we provide an extensive range of insurance needs to Nevada and California Individuals, Small Group and Large Group Businesses.
W e l c o m e t o:
“Affordable Care Act Experts ”
"The staff has been providing insurance counseling and advice for my company for over 20 years, for myself personally, as well as my employees.
They are very knowledgeable in all aspects of Employee Benefits as well as knowing all the nuances of the Affordable Care Act, I would call them Affordable Care Act Experts. Their depth of knowledge of the mandates and the compliance laws is unsurpassed. They are true professionals as well as a pleasure to work with."
Frank C. - Las Vegas ,NV
“Service Second to None”
"If you love great service then you will
love these guys, Their service is second to none. You will soon learn there is a reason Associated Benefit Consultants are called
"The Service Company".
I needed a scheduling issue resolved immediately, they resolved the problem as I waited at the providers reception desk.
A few weeks later I had a complicated billing claims issue that needed a detailed review. The issue turned into an insurance appeal which they handled and I won!! This is what they do, I am a client for life...I love their service and knowledge."
Carol A. - Burbank, CA
Contact Information
Associated Benefit Consultants
604 S. Jones Blvd.
Las Vegas, Nevada 89107
Tel: 702-870-6800
Fax: 702-870-3345
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Closed for lunch between
12:00 Noon and 1:00 pm
Call us today for a quote 702-870-6800
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Your trusted partner in the Insurance Business
At Associated Benefit Consultants (ABC) we are so dedicated to the concept of exceptional service that over 30 years ago we trademarked ourselves as "The Service Company" and today, we still continue our "service first" tradition.
No client is to BIG or to small,
Contact us today and let us take your insurance concerns off of your desk and on to ours!
It's as easy as ABC........
As a Professional "No Fee" Broker and leader in Employee Benefits Programs since 1978, we can help you create a program that is cost and benefit effective.
Are you turning 65 this year?
Let our team of trained and certified professionals help guide you though the Medicare options that best suit your needs.
Protect your love ones with Life Insurance and create some financial protection for the future. Discover the peace of mind Life Insurance can provide.
“ Went Above and Beyond”
“I have used Associated Benefits Consultants for a number of insurance needs. Their expertise was invaluable.
They set up an employee benefits program for my Small Group Business and then they went above and beyond and ensured that every one of my part time employees who needed and wanted it obtained a subsidized individual health insurance plan through the Federal Marketplace.
The services they rendered were with the highest level of competence and professionalism."
Anthony W. - Henderson, NV